Bees & Honey Production

We love our bees! They work tirelessly, never complain, loyally serve their Queen, all the flowering plants in the Gardens, and are producing delicious honey.  We finally seem to have overcome some initial setbacks such as departing Queens, and attacks from ants and toads, who tried to eat them and their honey.

Nevis is famous for its honey.  Bees were apparently introduced to Nevis during the historic Plantation-era, possibly from South America; others may also have been brought from Europe.  On Nevis, as on several other Caribbean islands, today most of the bees have been gathered from the wild, where they survived and multiplied. They especially thrive on the Coralita blossoms – which cover much of Nevis.

Though there have recently been threats to bees world-wide, possibly from viruses and from interference of cell-phone transmissions, we love our bees and will do all we can to help sustain them.

Our beehives were located in the Tropical Fruit Garden however we have had to relocate them to another area inaccessible to guests.  Our bees help pollinate the flowers, especially our many types of palms and fruit trees. We see our bees as a productive and sustainable resource.  We enjoy offering our special 100% organic Nevis flower-flavored honey in our Galleria Giftshop, at the entrance gatehouse, and at our Oasis Restaurant.

We ask that if our visitors should encounter the bees along their way, to please respect the bees – and try not to disturb them as they go about their bee-business!  They just want to protect their precious Queen and the honey that they work so hard for.  To help us sustain this important natural resource, consider taking a bottle home with you after your visit.  Thank you.

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