Staff & Advisors

The Gardens and its various components are staffed and managed daily by a team of hard-working, energetic individuals who tend each area under their care with careful attention.   

Amongst our amazing team are:

Terry, who has worked at the Gardens since its inception, knows every plant on the landscape and their medicinal benefits.  Terry also can be found leading visiting groups on tour, and his infectious laughter can be heard ringing throughout the Gardens. Visitors always enjoy Terry's tours.

EVERYONE is a gardener!


Although the Gardens are privately owned and funded by the Douglas family, they benefit from advise by association with a number of private individuals and public organizations.  Amongst those who have given generously their time, advice and support.

The Gardens are a member of BGCI, Botanic Gardens Conservation International.

The Gardens welcome support and expertise from individuals or corporations wishing to offer their time services, or financial aid.

For more information please Contact Us.

Upcoming News and Events

  • Ranked #13 of "50 Most Beautiful Places in the World", US News Travel Magazine
  • "36 Hours in Nevis", New York Times, Jan. 2023