Tropical Fruit Garden

Cross the bridge by a sitting pagoda and pool and climb the steps through the artistically layered terraces to the tropical fruit garden. Featuring Golden Apple, Guava, Mangoes, Akee, Breadfruit, several types of West Indian Cherries, and many other delights.

Many fruits are native to the Caribbean including Sour Sop, Sugar Apples, and Custard Apples. The Tropical Fruit Garden occupies a series of terraces planted with specimen fruit trees. Among these are examples of Mango (Mangifera indica), Golden Apple (Spondias dulcis), West Indian Cherries (Malpighia punicifolia), Guava (Psidium gujava), Papaya (Carica papaya) and the Genip (Melicoccus bijugatus).

The Ackee Fruit (Blightia sapida), originally imported from West Africa in the 18th century, is now the national fruit of Jamaica and a national export. The scientific name refers to Captain William Bligh who took the fruit from Jamaica to England in 1793 and introduced it to science.

Vines such as the grape (Vitis vitifera) and spice trees such as cinnamon (Cinnamomum zeylanicum) add extra interest but the Green Vervet Monkeys are often the only ones to benefit from the ripe fruits.



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